Introduction to Django ORM

An Introduction to Django ORM: A Guide for Beginners

Django ORM is a powerful and robust object-relational mapper (orm). It allows developers to create complex web applications quickly and easily. The ORM provides a comprehensive set of tools and features for managing models, queries, and databases. This guide provides an overview of the Django ORM for beginners.

What is an ORM?

Object-relational mappers (ORMs) are an important part of database development. ORMs allow developers to interact with databases using objects rather than the language-specific SQL queries. ORMs provide a layer of abstraction between the database and the code for a web application.

Benefits of Using an ORM

Using an ORM such as Django ORM has several benefits. These include:

  • Simplicity: ORMs make interacting with a database simpler and easier. With the ORM, developers don’t have to write SQL queries as they can use object-oriented concepts.
  • Performance: ORMs can improve the performance of web applications by allowing developers to optimize queries and caching.
  • Scalability: Using an ORM makes it easier to scale applications as the ORM takes care of most of the database interaction.

Getting Started with Django ORM

To get started with Django ORM, you need to install the Django package. You can do this using the pip command:

pip install django

Once the package is installed, you can start using the ORM. The ORM is used to create and manage models. Models are used to represent data in a database. Models are defined using Python classes and are created in the file.

The ORM also provides a powerful query interface for accessing data from a database. The ORM has a built-in query language called the QuerySet API. This API allows developers to write queries using Python objects and methods.


Django ORM is a powerful and robust object-relational mapper (orm) for developing web applications. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and features for managing models, queries, and databases. Using an ORM such as Django ORM provides several benefits including simplicity, performance, and scalability. This guide provided an introduction to Django ORM for beginners.